Cheers for the 2021 Stock Market and These “Great Expectations”

by | January 7, 2021 12:58 am
By Elliott Wave International We’re reminded during this time of year of the wonderful classic by Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol.” As you probably know, the Victorian-era British novelist also wrote several other books, including “Great Expectations.”...

SARS. Swine Flu. Covid-19. All 3 Were a Screaming “Buy!”

by | December 30, 2020 10:55 pm
By Elliott Wave International Let’s take a moment to update you on the relationship between COVID-19 and emerging market stocks. Earlier this year, our publications at Elliott Wave International showed that infectious disease epidemics tend to occur...

You are invited: 7 (free) days of Asian-Pacific updates

by | December 26, 2020 5:05 am
When the pandemic’s first wave first hit in March-April of this year, it was a bleak moment — and a crazy moment to turn bullish, from a conventional standpoint. And yet, that’s exactly what one analyst did. In early...

Why Most Investors Miss Major Stock Market Turns

by | December 18, 2020 11:07 pm
By Elliott Wave International Financial history shows that many investors are out of the stock market at major bottoms and “long” the stock market at major tops. In other words, they miss important turns. Why is this...

Should You Prepare Your Portfolio for ‘The Roaring 2020s’?

by | December 16, 2020 2:24 am
By Elliott Wave International Well, the answer posed by the question in the title is a resounding “yes!” — according to the British financial magazine, MoneyWeek. The cover of the Dec. 4 issue of the magazine is...

End-of-Year Review: Your free issue of EWI’s Financial Forecast

by | December 11, 2020 11:28 pm
For investors worldwide – including you, maybe — the stock market rallies since March have been one of the biggest head-scratchers of a very head-scratching 2020. Stocks rallied despite the raging pandemic; despite the shutdowns; despite skyrocketing unemployment and huge economic damage… despite,...

A Fresh Perspective on Why Stock Market Continues to Defy News

by | December 10, 2020 11:42 pm
By Elliott Wave International When people hear the phrase “investing crowd,” they tend to think of Main Street investors. Usually dipping their toe in the water after the trend has been underway for quite some time, they...

Yes, “Active Investment Managers” DO Behave Like the “Crowd”

by | December 8, 2020 11:46 pm
By Elliott Wave International When people hear the phrase “investing crowd,” they tend to think of Main Street investors. Usually dipping their toe in the water after the trend has been underway for quite some time, they...

5-day FREE event for crypto traders — $99 value

by | December 5, 2020 9:55 am
“Breathtaking” is a fitting word to describe Bitcoin’s surge from the March lows near $3,500 to the recent high near $20,000. You probably want to know how much upside is left — if any. Our friends at...