Investors Eagerly Awaiting US Non-Farm Payrolls

by | October 5, 2012 8:01 am
The euro saw upward movement against its main currency rivals yesterday, after the ECB announced that euro-zone interest rates would remain unchanged at 0.75%.

EUR/GBP: Effects of Policy Outlooks to End the Week’s Trades

by AlgosysFx | October 5, 2012 7:54 am
A firm stance by the European Central Bank yesterday is hoped to deliver sustained gains for the Euro currency over its British counterpart. Though the Bank of England likewise did not make any moves with regard to...

Some Comments on the Euro and the Australian Dollar

by | October 5, 2012 7:16 am
ECB President Mario Draghi took his team of traveling bankers to Ljubljana, Slovenia, population about 272K, and about 801km. away from Frankfurt. Despite the new venue, it does not appear the bankers have any different policies that...

Daily FX perspective October 05, 2012 – GFM Research

by | October 5, 2012 6:16 am
The Dollar Index (DX) started depreciating again after couple of days of consolidation on the event of most of the asset classes, especially the benchmark equity index of the Dow Industrials (DJIA) trading strong.

USD/JPY Forecast October 5, 2012, Technical Analysis

by FX Empire | October 5, 2012 3:56 am
USD/JPY had another bullish session on Thursday as the US dollar managed to eke out some gains against the Japanese yen. The general attitude of the session was “risk on”, and as such this pair rose.

USD/CAD Forecast October 5, 2012, Technical Analysis

by FX Empire | October 5, 2012 3:55 am
The USD/CAD currency pair fell after initially trying to rally during the Thursday session. The market made all the way towards the 0.99 handle and then was pressed downward by the sellers.

GBP/USD Forecast October 5, 2012, Technical Analysis

by FX Empire | October 5, 2012 3:54 am
The GBP/USD pair initially fell during the session on Thursday, but found a ton of support at the 1.61 level. By the end of the day, we had a form a green candle, and even the test...

EUR/USD Forecast October 5, 2012, Technical Analysis

by FX Empire | October 5, 2012 3:53 am
The EUR/USD pair rose during the session after Mario Monti reminded the world on Thursday that ECB was there to lift asset prices with various quantitative easing schemes. Ultimately, we did manage to break above the 1.30...

AUD/USD Forecast October 5, 2012, Technical Analysis

by FX Empire | October 5, 2012 3:52 am
The AUD/USD pair fell during the session again on Thursday, but bounced quite significantly from the 1.02 level. This level should end up being quite supportive as we have seen time and time again that buyers will...

When Will ECB Bond-Buying Commence?

by | October 4, 2012 11:00 am
It was late July when Draghi said he would do “whatever it takes” to preserve the euro. This included bond buying from those countries that requested help. Today, Thursday October 4, the ECB holds another meeting, this time...