By Elliott Wave International Simply put, a market sentiment extreme is a situation when most everyone has already taken a bullish or bearish position in a financial asset, leaving almost no one left to buy or sell....
By Elliott Wave International It’s been a tough year for Russia financially. Of course, there’s been the big collapse in oil prices, plus — just like many other global stock indexes — Russian stocks are well off...
By Elliott Wave International The U.S. faces the prospect of a Japan-like deflation. Let’s begin with a brief review of Japan. Here’s a chart and commentary from the 2020 edition of Robert Prechter’s Conquer the Crash: Japan...
By Elliott Wave International Just about everyone thinks the coronavirus pandemic slammed global stock prices in February and March. Entire countries shut down; businesses closed up shop; unemployment soared. People stopped spending money beyond the essentials, so...
By Elliott Wave International Many stock market investors believe that prices have already bottomed. Numerous banks, brokers and financial firms have issued statements saying as much. Indeed, the May Elliott Wave Theorist, a monthly publication which has...
By Elliott Wave International Many stock market investors believe that prices have already bottomed. Numerous banks, brokers and financial firms have issued statements saying as much. Indeed, the May Elliott Wave Theorist, a monthly publication which has...
An Eye-Opening Perspective: Emerging Markets and Epidemics By Elliott Wave International People across the entire planet remain very much aware of the COVID-19 health threat. The global disruption associated with the pandemic far surpasses other major health...
You want your portfolio to make it through this crisis in one piece. Maybe even gain, if at all possible. But the opinions you’re hearing are all over the map. There is no precedent in modern investment history....
By Elliott Wave International The Wave Principle’s basic pattern includes five waves in the direction of the larger trend, followed by three corrective waves. In a bull market, the pattern is five up, followed by three down....
By Elliott Wave International The world has been hearing a lot about “homes” in recent months, as in — “stay there” to help halt the spread of COVID-19. At the same time, the sales of those homes...