By Elliott Wave International Related financial markets tend to move together. For example, gold and silver. Or, consider stocks. When the Dow Industrials are up on a given trading day, the NASDAQ is usually in the green...
By Elliott Wave International “Buying the dip” might work in a rip-roaring bull market, but it can cost you your shirt in a severe downturn. Even so, this March 23 Wall Street Journal quote represents the mindset...
By Elliott Wave International A question was posed to Elliott Wave International President Robert Prechter for a classic Elliott Wave Theorist (Prechter’s monthly publication about financial markets and social trends since 1979): Under the Wave Principle, what...
By Elliott Wave International As many of us continue the process of working from home, isolated with young children and significant others day in and day out, the subject of price gaps feels paradoxically fitting. Here’s why:...
By Elliott Wave International Weeks before the February top in the DJIA, the January Elliott Wave Theorist (Elliott Wave International President Robert Prechter’s monthly publication about financial markets and social trends since 1979) said: Most economists believe...
By Elliott Wave International A negative sentiment toward cash had been in place for quite some time. Let’s go back a little more than a year when our Feb. 2019 Elliott Wave Theorist showed this chart and said: The...
In volatile markets especially, you often see price gaps — those blank spaces on a chart where the prices jumped so fast, they left a gap behind. Did you know there are 4 types of price gaps...
By Elliott Wave International In the world of investing, “complacency” is a potentially hazardous state of mind. Consider that every year, September and October have often been rough on investors. But, in 2019, the S&P 500 had...
By Elliott Wave International Let’s start by establishing that the stock market is not driven by the news. Aggregate stock prices are driven by waves of optimism and pessimism — which go from one extreme to another...
By Elliott Wave International Let’s start by establishing that the stock market is not driven by the news. Aggregate stock prices are driven by waves of optimism and pessimism — which go from one extreme to another...