EUR/USD Technical Analysis: Short-Term Bearish Trend Likely to Continue

by | July 25, 2024 4:23 am
On Wednesday, the EUR/USD pair showed interesting price action that could indicate a potential continuation of its recent downtrend. Let’s break down the key levels and possible scenarios: Recent Price Action This pattern suggests that after a...

EUR/USD Technical Analysis: Short-Term Bearish Trend Likely to Continue

by | July 22, 2024 3:36 am
The EUR/USD pair showed interesting price action last Friday, providing insights into its potential near-term direction. Let’s break down the key levels and possible scenarios: Recent Price Action This pattern suggests that the EUR/USD may continue its...

Elliott Wave Expects EURUSD to Turn Higher

by | July 5, 2024 4:38 pm
Short Term Elliott Wave in EURUSD suggests cycle from 4.16.2024 low is in progress as a 5 waves impulse. Up from 4.16.2024 low, wave 1 ended at 1.0916. Pullback in wave 2 ended at 1.0664 as the...

EUR/USD Technical Analysis: Bullish Momentum Continues

by | July 4, 2024 1:09 am
The EUR/USD pair has shown impressive strength recently, extending its upward move from the 1.0665 low to reach a high of 1.0816. This bullish momentum suggests further gains may be on the horizon. Short-Term Outlook After a...

Euro’s June Performance: Challenges and Outlook

by | July 2, 2024 1:43 am
June Overview Throughout June, the EUR/USD pair experienced a downward trend, largely influenced by a strengthening US dollar. The euro briefly dipped below the 1.07 mark, closing yesterday at 1.0714. Economic Data The Eurozone’s manufacturing PMI for...